I was at Niagara Falls and they had this disgusting male spiritual awakening type thing on tv. These old naked guys were massaging each other and doing circle jerks trying to find inner peace or some bullshit like that. It was like 11am too, what gives with that.Canadian TV can show full frontal after 11pm. The reasoning behind it is if your kids are up past 11 you're a bad parent and that's not TVs responsibility
I was at Niagara Falls and they had this disgusting male spiritual awakening type thing on tv. These old naked guys were massaging each other and doing circle jerks trying to find inner peace or some bullshit like that. It was like 11am too, what gives with that.
I was at Niagara Falls and they had this disgusting male spiritual awakening type thing on tv. These old naked guys were massaging each other and doing circle jerks trying to find inner peace or some bullshit like that. It was like 11am too, what gives with that.